Monday, March 24, 2014

1975: Sierra Club Vice-Chair writes that Wilderness Status INCLUDES Oyster Farm

History coming back to bite the 'environmentalist' (or stalker) who gnawed at the heels of state, local, and national agencies trying to push them into the questionable attempt to rid the estero of the beloved oyster farm because it "ruined his hiking and kayak trips". He should have read the history of his own organization (full disclosure - he got the booted several years ago):

1975 Letter from Vice Chairman for Wilderness Issues, Sierra Club SF Bay Chapter clarifies:

“Wilderness status does not mean an end to the harvesting of oysters in the Estero, or a prohibition on the use of motorboats by the company in carrying out its operations. “

“The Wilderness Act permits prior non-conforming commercial uses to continue and the secretary of the Interior can authorize the continued use of motorboats in support of the enterprise. Departmental memoranda express this quite clearly and the regional solicitor has interpreted the act to permit specifically this commercial operation.”


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